Thursday, April 10, 2008

Check out the MADCORE Website.....

Here is some info about the website looks pretty cool.

In early 2006 Ben Young was training in MMA at Orange County Kickboxing with the gym’s owner, Dan Sullivan. Between sessions, they were discussing how their two greatest passions, MMA and surfing, had benefited from the other and how together, what a great lifestyle they formed. The conversations that followed yielded one reoccurring frustration: the Surf/ Action Sports Industry produced some of the best, highly functional and cutting-edge products available, yet the fast-growing world of MMA had not stepped up to the same level. With that in mind, the driving concept for MADCOR was born. Their charge? Bring the surf industry’s style, functionality and next-level-thinking to mixed martial artists, fighters and fans. Together, Dan and Ben have utilized their fifty years of combined expertise in both arenas and come up with the solution: MADCOR.

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