Friday, February 24, 2012

MEN VS WOMEN Is This a Taboo Subject??

both are skilled in MMA and are in the same weight class put them in a cage who would be victorious? would it be the man because he may be stronger or the woman because she is faster.I thought this would be an interesting subject.we may never know because it is very a society we are raise never to hit a woman an many me would hold back and many people and would be up an arms saying this is not right.Kind of like women in football.Of a female doing a job that is normally done by a man.

I am more interested on the skill and ability in which sex will prevail women fought for hundreds of years to be equals in society and there is always will be a dispute on women doing certain fields that are dominated by men its a catch 22 what to you think on this matter? I posted a link from yahoo on this topic for more info click the title above...

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