Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Dancing with the Stars concept

I had a thought.The Idea with Dancing with the Stars was to take famus people in entertainment or in sports team them up with a professional trainers in dancing.the pros then teach the novice star different dances such as the waltz,paso,quick step etc.The pos has 1 week to teach the star how to peform the dance.to mak a long stoy short the winner is the dance team who has the hightest score and the most votes from you at home.and does not get eliminated in around the course of 6 weeks win a big mirror ball trophy.

now you are asking what does this have to do with UFC/MMA?Not much by itself but The Ice Man Chuck Liddell was a contender once.He did pretty good lasting just before they had to do 2 dances.He did better then I expected anyway what made this show so popular is people want to see stars out of there element doing something the have no Idea of doing.

I was wondering why dont the UFC or Spike make a show wher you take superstars pair them with an UFC expert and put them in the octogon in the course of 6 weeks and the winner is the one who will make it at the end.Chuck Liddill could train Brono from DWTS Tito could train Donald Trump to Fight Rosie O Donnald all joking aside I thing it will be a hit show.So if you see a hit tv show MMA Fighting With The Stars you will know that I thought of it first.

If you know more about of that people thought of Chuck Liddell joining DWTS go to the wrestling talk website by cligking the title above the cool picture i got from this website http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chuck_Liddell

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