Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Many Fighters From the UFC has no Health Care!!

Many of the UFCs Fighters has no health insurance Joe Stevens is one who is struggling Fighting with out health coverage.Things are looking up for him becauce he is working with a new accountant who is helping him set up a corperation so it would be easier for him to get health insurance. This is something to think about a walmart employee making 7.50 per hour does not have to worry about getting hurt or sick because Walmart provides him with medical insurance but some of the famus UFC fighters are not so lucky interesting I think the president of the UFC has to take a closer look at this issue.WWE had a problem like this in the past im not sure if they provide health care to the wrestlers or not.

I know if it was not for the UFC Fighters who fight hard for the people and the organization the UFC would not be as great as it is now I think in my view the UFC should provide the fighters with something. Thank you for reading what I have to say and you can read the full artical

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