I know this is not a UFC post and has nothing to do with MMA but I want to give our military credit on a job well done. Many people died in 9/11 and this will give alkada and other terrist organizations a clear message not to mess with us. 9/11 was a sad day for us all and 5/1 ended with a happy ending here is the artical if you want to read it....
Minutes before the official White House news conference was supposed to convene, the word began leaking out over Twitter: Did the U.S. have Osama bin Laden’s dead body—the body of the man considered the mastermind behind al-Qaeda and the September 11th attacks—in possession? For several minutes, CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer danced around the topic, noting that this was probably something that had been in the works for “a very long time,” before Obama offered an official confirmation: Osama bin Laden had been killed by U.S. Special Forces.
On the eighth anniversary of George W. Bush's famous "Mission Accomplished" speech, President Obama was able to definitively say bin Laden was confirmed dead and U.S. forces were in possession of his body.
In a speech made just around 11:40, the president laid out the details of the events leading up to bin Laden's death. He first established a lead on bin Laden's whereabouts last August. Last week, he determined that there was enough intelligence to act. Said Obama, "The United States is not and never will be at war with Islam. Bin Laden was not a Muslim leader. He was a mass murderer of Muslims. His demise should be welcome to all."
I do not condone senceless killings but Ben Laden had it comming! for more infomtion you can go the Nymag website by clicking the title above...
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